Antecedents of Repurchase Intentions and Coolness in the Context of Apparel Brands


  • Khurram Mehmooda
  • Laraib Arshadb
  • Faiza Arshad


Customer Trust, Brand Coolness, Playfulness, Corporate Reputation, Online Shopping, Repurchase Intentions


Purpose: This study seeks to model and empirically examine the effect of customer related attitude (i.e. customer trust, perceived benefits, perceived quality, playfulness and corporate reputation) on conception of brand coolness and ultimately on customer repurchase intentions in the context of apparel brand of Pakistan.
Methodology/Design: Using Structural Equation Modeling, a total of 940 survey responses from the consumer of clothing brands were used to empirically test the measurements and proposed relationship among the variables.
Findings: On the bases of fact and figure a significant model developed. Results were generally in support of the proclamation that all the attendants of repurchase intentions (i.e. customer trust, perceived benefits, perceived quality, playfulness and corporate reputation) lead to coolness of brand that ultimately cause the customer repurchase intentions.
Originality/Value: brand coolness is an emerging phenomenon in the market environment, customers are seeking to adopt cool product and marketers are struggling to endow the sense of coolness in their brands, this study is among the first research which examines the role of unique construct of coolness in the context of customer purchase intentions.
Implication: This study offers valuable insight and solid grounds to academicians as well as practitioners concerning to the development of customer repurchase intentions through coolness by presenting empirical findings and important implications.
Limitations: Some notable limitations like longitudinal time frame of study need to be adopted for improvement of generalizability of the study.


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How to Cite

Khurram Mehmooda, Laraib Arshadb, & Faiza Arshad. (2022). Antecedents of Repurchase Intentions and Coolness in the Context of Apparel Brands. UW Journal of Management Sciences, 2(1), 1–22. Retrieved from