Impact of Transformational Leadership and Employee Commitment on Organizational Reputation


  • Muhammad Zeeshan
  • Shahid Bashir
  • Farzeen Fatima
  • Raza Alam Shah


Organizational reputation, transformational leadership, employee commitment


Purpose: The purpose of the paper is to examine the effect of transformational leadership and employee commitment on the organizational reputation.
Methodology: Data from 142 employees was analyzed using multiple regression analysis, descriptive and correlation analysis using Statistical Package for Social Sciences version 21.
Findings: The findings confirm that transformational leadership and employee commitment do effect the organizational reputation of the employees.
Implications: This study provides the HR practitioner the underlying factors effecting the organization reputation as by empowering the leaders within the organization and by increasing the commitment of employees towards the organization can lead to good reputation of the organization in the market. Empirical findings of the study can provide help to the organizations to understand how retaining and attracting the good employees along with the transformational leadership style increase the reputation of the organization.


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How to Cite

Muhammad Zeeshan, Shahid Bashir, Farzeen Fatima, & Raza Alam Shah. (2022). Impact of Transformational Leadership and Employee Commitment on Organizational Reputation. UW Journal of Management Sciences, 3(1), 39–55. Retrieved from